Featured Clinical Services For Child Health

Our medical specialists care about you & your family’s health

Child Milestones Development

Dr.Ashwini’s treatment is highly safe and effective in treating diseases affecting children, including delayed milestone.Her homeopathic medicines for organic process delay are natural and so, free from side-effects.


Autism Treatment

It usually becomes apparent within first three years of life but some mild cases get diagnosed during early schooling. We analysis additionally takes under consideration impaired functions in terms of behavior, social skills, communication, speech, tantrums, etc.


Childhood Obesity

Revhive Clinic effectively treats childhood obesity in many ways. Our medicines safely, and with none side-effects, increase the child’s metabolism, which is, otherwise, slow because of avoirdupois. Dr. Ashwini assess the child’s lifestyle, temperament, behavioretc.


Poor Weight Gain

Studies and clinical trials have shown effective results of medical care treating youngsters having food sensitivity and intolerance. Various case studies estimated the benefits of homeopathy in correcting absorption disorders, thereby treating poor weight gain in children.


Tonsillitis Treatment

Homeopathy medicines are very effective in treating tonsils. It not only cures the Tonsilitis, but it also increases the immunity of the patient to fight with diseases. No surgery or antibiotics are needed to be taken for recovery.


Childhood Asthama

We offers specially formulated Homeopathy treatment for Asthma in your child. The treatment for childhood asthma has been developed after exhaustive in-house research. ... Despite advances in the understanding of asthma, there is still a high rate of morbidity and mortality from this disease in children.