Featured Clinical Services For Your Health
Piles Treatment
One of the most important things in our daily life is satisfactory defecation. Our bowel movement directly impacts our health, mood, skin, stress etc, and therefore, it is crucial to observe it and ensure a clean digestive track.
BP Treatment
Despite the many antihypertensive medicines available, only 17% to 27% of people with hypertension achieve optimal blood pressure control with medical treatment, and some doctors believe that homeopathy can play a beneficial role in supporting standard treatments.
Micropigmentation Treatment
Micropigmentation, or permanent make up, is an innovative cosmetic procedure that enables both men and women to enhance the shape of their eyebrows, hairline, lips, eyes, and more, through the process of depositing pigment into the skin's dermal layer.
Kidney Stones Treatment
Kidney stones are solid, rock-like materials that form from the mineral substance contained in the urine. Most kidney stones consist of calcium combined with either oxalate or phosphate.
Healthy Bone Density
Treating osteoporosis means stopping the bone loss and rebuilding bone to prevent breaks. ... But, lifestyle changes may not be enough if you have lost a lot of bone density. There are also several medicines to think about.
Male Infertility
The homoeopathic medicine is used for the treatment of warts, acne, age spots, freckles and dry skin. It helps the body get rid of scaly patches and itchy skin.It is also helpful in curing sunburn, blisters, skin eruptions, and insect bites.
Diabetes Problem
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which our body’s use of food for production of energy is affected. Most of the food we eat is carbohydrates, and this is broken down by the digestive juices into a simple sugar called glucose.
Management of hypertension should not only be started after diagnosis of hypertension, it should be started before the emergence of the disease, people with high-risk factors like unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, excess alcoholic stress should be screened regularly.
Depression Problem
Homeopathy is a well-established therapeutic system with potential relevance to psychiatry, but as yet it is largely untested.Individually selected homeopathic remedies were used on an outpatient basis to treat 12 adults who had major depression, social phobia, or panic disorder.